Bello's Circus EXtreme Dinner Show


The all new “Circus EXtreme Variety Show” starring Dells native comic daredevil, Bello Nock is coming to the Dells!

More Than Just A Show.

Bello’s Circus EXtreme Dinner Show is a spectacle of extreme stunts and comedy routines, featuring not only Bello himself but also a variety of other impressive acts.

One such act is the “Puppy Pals,” a comedy dog act that gained recognition by earning a quarterfinal spot on Season 15 of “America’s Got Talent.” The dogs, all adopted and rescued, perform spectacular stunts and breathtaking feats, making for a howling good time.

Another highlight of the show is Bello’s daughter, Annaliese Nock, is also featured in the show and will perform two completely new stunts, including a giant escape. Annaliese is a Guinness World Record holder for doing the most somersaults in a minute inside the Spinning Wheel of Wonder, also known as the “Spinning Wheel of Death.”

The show culminates in an epic finale featuring the Motorcycle Globe of Death, where three stunt motorcycle riders will ride motorcycles with special LED lighting. They will defy gravity by riding crisscross all around and upside down in a giant ball of steel. Bello’s Circus Extreme is for the entire family and promises to entertain and amaze its audience.

Shows at 2:30 and 7 pm from March 19th – April 27th. Closed on Friday.